Key in the ignition, twist that thing, put the pedal to the metal and go wherever you want to go. That’s just one of the ways I can summarize how it feels being a cord cutter. Streaming allows you to watch whatever you want whenever you want so you don’t have to force yourself to find something to watch at a specific date and time.
1) Crackle

Crackle (formerly known as Sony Crackle) has been around for years, in fact Crackle may have been “Netflix” before Netflix. Crackle has a simple and easy to use interface that makes it extremely easy to find content. They offer a full range of content that covers all genres, movies, tv shows, documentaries, cult classics and more. Crackle is the 1st on this list because they tend to show more commercials than others on this list.
2) The Roku Channel

The Roku Channel is quickly making its way up on cord cutters list of free streaming services to try. The Roku Channel offers a wide variety of content, mainly because they strong arm service providers for content to be on their platform, they tend to have a consistent rotation of premium content. The Roku Channel is 2nd on this list because they tend to air more commercials than other free platforms that have the same content.
3) Redbox On-Demand

Covid-19 forced Redbox into a market they weren’t familiar with but it seems as if they’ve figured it out. Though their new to streaming Redbox already offers a full range of movies and tv show genres including curated live television. Redbox is a “full service” free platform which means they offer both live and on-demand content.
4) Distro TV

Distro TV started off being the only free platform to offer premium Spanish and Hindi content for free. In just over a year Distro now offers premium content form the most requested channels like Circle TV, Magellan TV, OAN, Bloomberg and more. Distro offer both on-demand and curated live news.