Today while browsing the isles of my local Dollar General I noticed something new in the As Seen On TV section. I almost had to do a double take because this is a product I was totally unaware of. It was the Clear TV Premium HD indoor antenna.
The main shocker was the size. By comparison I would say it’s at least one eight the size of your average indoor antenna branding all the basic nonsense companies put on the packaging of their products. Like “4K ready” or “Free TV for life”.

The price was only $10 so I decided to purchase it and test it out. Going back, when I purchased the AverMedia USB TV tuner I received an antenna similar in size to this one.You have to open the packaging and look inside the users manual to see the actual mile range, which is 35 miles. It comes with double sided tape and a 3ft coaxial cord that is attached. After running my scan I managed to pick up a whopping 30 channels which is pretty good considering the antenna I currently use picks up between 34-38, with duplicates.
After the results I decided to compare this one with my AverMedia antenna that was free and it only picked up 18 channels. After the results it cemented in my brain that Clear TV does make good products that work and their not just throwing the terms “HD” or “4K” ready on the packaging. I would definitely recommend this antenna if you are within a 35 mile range of your TV towers.
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