In the past year cord cutting has skyrocketed, not because people are looking to save money but because it’s the trend. I asked 10 people I know and work with what they use for tv and most said a cable service and Netflix. When I go into detail about streaming services like Hulu and Pluto TV most say they’ve heard of them but never looked into it. Then when I go into more detail about internet speeds, and how they’ll need some sort of streaming device for each television their attention seems to fade.
Bottom line is that it’s more work than most people are willing to do. On top of that new people that come to cord cutting tend to start out with multiple full-service streaming platforms like YouTube Tv and PlayStation Vue, not knowing that these services are standalone. Meaning they offer the whole package, movies, premiums, sports and more. It’s all available in one place.
Big companies are seeing the mass influx in people looking to stream and are creating new companies and or merging because of it. I have Charter internet and every month or so they call and try to sell me on their new streaming or mobile service. No thanks I’ll stick with the free services like Pluto TV and my over the air antenna.

Speaking of free platforms there are literally 100s free platforms that offer great content, most similar to what you’d watch on a paid platform.
Let’s look at popularity when it comes to these free services. One thing I noticed is that when a movie on a free service starts getting more views it ends up on a paid platform and is sure to stay there forever. A perfect example is Donnie Yen’s Yip Man. For years all three were available to watch for free now they are exclusively on Netflix and of course you can pay to play on other “per show” platforms like Google play.
The best advice I can give to someone looking to become a cord cutter is to write down what you require. Sports, movies, documentaries, ECT. Then how many streams you require and then go to streaming services websites and look at their channel list and choose the one best for you.Follow me on YouTube for more cord cutter news and tech.