Next week I’ll be starting my 30-day hands on review of the Peloton Digital streaming service. If you’re not familiar with Peloton Digital, check out my initial review here.
I’ve been a subscriber of the platform for around 2 months now and I’ve only tried about 3 of the workout videos. My initial thoughts of the platform were not so positive. I felt and still feel that there could be more workout options. For example, their cardio section consists of mainly HIIT exercises( high intensity interval training), and for someone looking for a slow progressive start, that’s extremely intimidating.
Honestly, my main gripe and what’s been keeping me from using the service is the options that subscribers without a Peloton bike or treadmill have. Other at-home workout services like, Beach Body On-Demand and even Nike’s free service, Nike Training Club (NTC) have better options when it come to what type of equipment you have access to.
Those last 2 paragraphs describe why I’ve been a subscriber of the service for close to 60 days and never used it. Now let’s talk about why I’ve been a subscriber for close to 60 days and FINALLY decided to use it.

Peloton’s platform is like no other. Curiosity brought me here, the workouts bought my drinks and the music took me home. My initial negative thoughts of the platform were driving by something we all know not to take at face value….. THUMBNAILS! Those thumbnails sure can be intimidating.
I’ll be checking in every week to give updates on my status and thoughts. Join me by simple posting on Instagram with the hashtag #otantennapeloton. The journey begins Monday, September 13th.