February 2019 I reviewed a list of streaming services for people who wanted to workout from home. This list included Les Mills, Daily Burn and Beach Body on Demand. I chose these services based on certain criteria.
- They needed to have workouts for both men and women.
- Have workouts that doesn’t require a home gym or any other special equipment
- Offered a variety of workout, especially low impact for people living in apartments
- Reasonable pricing
Each service exceeded my expectations because they all offered some form of group or community program. Some even have personal coaches. My review was met with criticism, as many people were expecting a hands on review. I didn’t quite understand the backlash because the most important thing people should know about a gym before they sign up is its amenities. Right? You weigh what they have to offer against the price and then you make your decision. You don’t go to a gym, look at the people working out, see how fit they are, then make your decision.
During the whole process of doing research on these services, I decided to sign up for Beach Body on Demand. Mainly because of the pricing, workout plans and they offer nutrition guides. I had the service for 90 days and only worked out 5, tops. On top of that I still had a gym membership I rarely used.
If you have a streaming related question please send it to Antoine@Otantenna.com
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About Me
I’m a 37 year old divorcee, who lives in an apartment and loves to vape and drink beer. I’d say I drink on average, 3-4 16 ounce beers per day. I may skip a day of drinking every other week. I’m 5 feet 10 inches tall and weigh 215 pounds. The most I ever weighed was 235. At that weight I began to have severe heart burn, could barely touch my toes, neck was shrinking and couldn’t bend over without starting to feel faint like the blood was rushing to my head.
Most of my life I’ve had an athletic build, and to gain so much weight at this point in my life motivated me to drop a few pounds. I started reading this book called “Change your Body, Change your Mind“, and in it is a calculator that shows how many calories you need per day to gain, retain on lose weight. Over a 3 month period I eventually got down to 205 pounds, without even working out.
To do this I started reading the nutrition facts on everything I bought. If it had a certain amount of calories or carbs (calories I kept under 150 per snack, carbs, under 50 grams per day ), I didn’t buy it. Eventually I got to the point where I was only consuming 1,500 calories/30g of carbs per day. By week 3, all of my carb cravings were gone. All except the beer.
By the 2nd month I had figured out a way to include beer into my diet. I did this by eating less food. I tried wine but it only gave me headaches. I would skip breakfast, have a low carb, low calorie snack for lunch, and a high carb dinner. Usually only a few veggies and some chicken on beef. Then it’s beer until I fall asleep. I’m drinking tons of water throughout the day too. I ended up losing more weight the second month and I was f*****g ecstatic. I felt good & loose and honestly, I was really patting myself on the back for finding a way to include daily beer drinking into my diet.
I noticed I was loosing a lot of the strength I normally had, so I upped my calorie and carb intake and tried adding in some exercises. Nope, beer and working out don’t mix, so I stopped. It took about a month and a half to gain half my weight back so now I’m at the point where something really needs to change. The beer/alcohol has to go.

I’ve been a Nike Run Club and Nike Training club member for over 5 years and logged close to 750 run miles and 500 workout hours to date. It’s just never been my go-to platform for workouts. Back in 2015 I got down to 185 lbs just using the Nike run app. It definitely works, nothing’s changed, except me.
I’ve joined a 4 week program on the Nike Training Cub app called, “Breakthrough Challenge.” It’s an intermediate level program designed for at home workouts. Only equipment needed is dumbbells and a mat. They include tips for healthy eating, sleep, recovery, and how to get and stay in the right mindset. This is a free service, so anyone interested in joining, please do. I will be checking in every week with photos and status updates.

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