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In 2016 a movie titled The Belko Experiment was released and that same year according to Wikipedia, allegedly Elon Musk’s Neuralink was launched and the one of two similarities the two entities have in common are chips implanted into the brain. In The Belko Experiment employees have chips imbedded in the base of their skull as a means of identification to get in and out of the office building with ease, but once the experiment starts these chips become deadly explosives.

The hook for the movie is that the “chip” essentially cuts out the use of badges and saves about 1 minute from their work day, with Neuralink the hook is that this brain implanted technology in its first application can help those with quadriplegia “control a point and click computer cursor.“
With this type of technology the possible advancement for the human brain or human interface can be endless. Elon mentioned in his Joe Rogan appearance that there could be a chance of speechless communication, it’s also mentioned on the Neuralink website, the webite also mentions cyber security.
We all thought that bitcoin or blockchain was un-breachable but it’s not. There are many cases where consumers have lost millions of dollars in bitcoin with no resolution. Can Neuralink be hacked? No matter what the suits say I, the pessimist believe it can. In the film The Belko Experiment employees brains exploded if they didn’t comply with the overseer’s commands. Could Neuralink be hacked to make a person commit heinous crimes against anyone including family or similar to the movie ‘Wanted‘ could a person be sent to commit a crime to advance a corporation or for the hackers enjoyment or personal gain?
At the end of the day we won’t know what’s possible until we see it in action, this will be the first of its kind and based on experience and from what we’ve seen over the past years I believe that anything connected to the internet can be hacked, including your brain. The Belko Experiment is currently available to wach free on Tubi TV.